Monday, October 14, 2013

Paper 2 Outline

Thesis: Romance novels are curios that spark Arabella’s curiosity in a way that ultimately turns into obsession. Her life in regards to courtship between men and women becomes completely guided by the experiences of the characters in the romance novels she has obsessively read, leading to a life devoid of autonomy. Glanville views Arabella herself as a curio because of her beauty and often-irrational justifications and actions. His curiosity is sparked, but he maintains agency in his actions with Arabella, arguing that in The Female Quixote it is once curiosity turns into obsession that autonomy is lost.  

Paragraph 1
            Intro, thesis

Paragraph 2
Relationship between curiosity and obsession. OED.

Paragraph 3-4
Arabella’s thoughts on curiosity and her obsession with romance novels. Use examples showing novels as curios, her obsessive reading of them, and her quoting novels instead of constructing her own thoughts i.e. loss of autonomy,

Ex. “Her Ideas, from the Manner of her Life, and the Objects around her, had taken a romantic Turn; and, supposing Romances were real Pictures of Life, from them she drew all her Notions and Expectations. By them she was taught to believe, that Love was the ruling Principle of the World; that every other Passion was subordinate to this; and that it caused all the Happiness and Miseries of Life.”

“She had a strong Inclination to see what it contained; but, fearful of transgressing the Laws of Romance, by indulging a Curiosity not justifiable by Example, she resolved to return this Letter unopened.”

“Why so, Sir, replied Arabella, since it is not an indiscreet Curiosity
which prompts me to a Desire of hearing the Histories Mr. Tinsel has
promis'd to entertain me with; but rather a Hope of hearing
something which may at once improve and delight me; something
which may excite my Admiration, engage my Esteem, or influence my
Practice. “ or “Think not, Lovely Unknown, said she (for she was really very pretty) that my Endeavours to detain you proceed from an indiscreet Curiosity.”

Paragraph 5-6
Glanville’s curiosity with Arabella. Use examples showing his curiosity, him
going against her wishes/idea of how courtship should work, him choosing
to play along for her contentment (doing so knowingly and with logic/reason
to win her over).
Ex: “Every thing furnished Matter for some new Extravagance; her Character
was so ridiculous, that he could propose nothing to himself but eternal
Shame and Disquiet, in the Possession of a Woman, for whom he must always
blush, and be in Pain. But her Beauty had made a deep Impression on his
Heart: He admired the Strength of her Understanding; her lively Wit; the
Sweetness of her Temper; and a Thousand amiable Qualities which
distinguished her from the rest of her Sex: Her Follies, when opposed to all
those Charms of Mind and Person, seemed inconsiderable and weak; and,
though they were capable of giving him great Uneasiness, yet they could not
lessen a Passion which every Sight of her so much the more confirmed.”

Arabella, continuing to ruminate upon her Adventure during their
little Journey, appeared so low-spirited and reserved, that Mr. Glanville, tho' he ardently wished to know all the Particulars of her Flight, and Meeting with that Gentleman, whose Company he found her in, was obliged to suppress his Curiosity for the present, out of a Fear of displeasing her. “

Paragraph 7
Van Zuylen: idée fixe leading to a sense of false agency. Arabella’s false sense of agency. How this differs from Glanville’s actual agency.

Ex: “The idée fixe is an infinite source of comfort; not only does it provide unshakable boundaries, but it lures the subject into a sense of agency” (Van Zuylen 6). à Romance novels are Arabella’s idée fixe. Arabella thinks she’s controlling exactly how her life should pan out, but she is just following a mold constructed by romance novels for her.

Note: Not sure if I should take out the Glanville comparison portion and just focus on Arabella? In place I could discuss how she is setting up her life to be novel worthy which guides her decisions. This would go after the idée fixe discussion. She is creating a life that would read like the romance novels she’s already read making it unoriginal (lacking unique experiences that would have potentially come from autonomous decisions versus her formulated, pre-planned actions.)

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